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Critical Care Coordination

Natural Disaster Resiliency

Resilience in the context of public health emergencies is the capacity to effectively respond to and recover from immediate, short-term and long-term effects of an emergent event, whether it originates from human action (e.g., terrorist-initiated chemical attack, mass shooting) or natural phenomena (e.g., influenza epidemic, earthquake). Features of resilience in this context include but are not limited to: 1) Emergency Response; 2) Disaster Relief, Reduction & Recovery; 3) Infrastructure Reliability & Repair; and 4) Planning. These features are supported, reinforced and refined by a robust foundation of emergency preparedness research built on five core elements:

Inhalation anthrax was most widely recognized as a threat beginning in 2001, when a domestic terrorist sent letters containing anthrax spores to two U.S. senators. The ongoing threat of similar attacks challenges us to test available clinical treatment protocols and to create a plan to gather, report, analyze and disseminate key pieces of information to federal agencies responsible for treating and containing potential large-scale outbreaks.

Chemical Attack Preparation

Emergency events such as infectious outbreaks, terrorist attacks and national disasters demand real-time information and easily accessible research to alleviate their often disastrous outcomes. Though operational capabilities have improved, the ability to quickly gather, analyze and report data on such events remains a challenge. We are driven to fill the information gap during emergencies, working collaboratively to coordinate responses for the critically ill and injured across the country.

Critical Care Coordination

Our Work

We strive to evolve current capabilities and expand our capacity in public health emergency preparedness to build a more resilient future.

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Created in partnership with Akido Labs, Project Meridian is the Resilience Intelligence Network’s unique multi-platform study management tool powering the future of data collection to gather information at scale when it matters most. Project Meridian can be used with any electronic health record (EHR) and allows for automated capture of data across multiple hospitals in a secure cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant environment.  

Project Meridian

Our Publications


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